Chembra Peak Wayanad
Chembra Peak is the most astounding crest in Wayanad, at 2,100 m (6,890 ft) above ocean level. Chembra is situated close to the town of Meppadi and is 8 km (5 mi) south of Kalpetta. It is a piece of the Wayanad slope runs in Western Ghats, abutting the Nilgiri Hills in Tamil Nadu and Vellarimala in Kozhikode locale in Kerala. Chembra Peak is available by foot from Meppady. Area Tourism Promotion Council gives controls and trekking hardware on contract charges to voyagers.
Consent from the backwoods office in Meppadi is required for trekking up to Chembra Peak. A heart formed lake while in transit to the highest point of the pinnacle is a noteworthy vacation spot. The lake is accepted to have never become scarce. You can discover the lake most of the way to the top, subsequent to getting to the lake need to trek through about a km or two of thick trees. A 5 km (3 mi) travel from Meppadi town through tea domains to Erumakkolli.